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Friday, June 22, 2012


It is clearly visible that amazon are theivs. If you read their seller complaints, there are thousands of people they ripped off. I had my own personal experience with this dispute. I have sold many items and was very successful. I made over 20 sales in one weekend, which triggered them to close my account, lie to my customers and hold my money (over $18,000). My advice to you new sellers that are thinking about selling on amazon...DON'T DO IT! There are so many available sites where you can sell items and NOT worry about the website ripping you off. I have had fake buyers that purchased my items on amazon then file an A to Z claim just to get a free product. The bad thing is, amazon refunded the money before I could even file a claim. On top of that...they closed my account with my money still on hold and ven if I wanted to file a claim, I could not because I was not able to even log on. My personal opinion? Amazon sucks! They need to be shut down and they need to give their sellers their money back.


There is this site CLICK HERE that is selling refurbished macbook pro's at amazing low prices. Now we all know how expensive the macbook pro really is. Now thanks to the great art of refurbishing, we can now all afford a great computer. This site CLICK HERE guarantees there macs to be in top physical and working condition or they will refund every dime back to you, no questions asked. How awesome is that?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Free ebooks

There's a new blog in town folks! And it's full of free ebooks. This site is dedicated to all readers around the world. Stop by and check out the great works of great authors. Click here This blog will send shivers down your spine. This blog will give you the worst night frights and nightmares than the devil himself. If you like to be spooked and horrified, then this blog is for you. Check it out.

Monday, June 18, 2012

My daughter owns the world!

So I have a daughter about to turn two in a couple of months. WOW...did she hit the terrible two stage already? I believe so. My house consists of nothing but her property. My PS3..hers, my xbox360...hers, my shoes...hers, my two stepsons toys...hers, my life...hers. Everything just somehow became hers. It's unbelievable how everything in existance is now her property, in her own little head of course. She even sputters outs a little "MINE" when somebody else is holding any object. Just this morning I was sitting on the chair sipping a cup of coffee when out of no where, she comes prancing along (with the look of toughness) and tries to snag my coffe out of my hands, of course she screams the half-unaudible word "MINE". I love this little girl to death but she will be the death of me. I find it very funny at times how she just owns the world at such a young age. The terrible twos came two months too early.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Do you like to get free stuff?

I think we all love to get free stuff. The problem is, how? We all know those stupid, fake survey website promotions. I get about three of them in my email a day, if not more. I'm afraid to say that I have tried them all and I received nothing but a negative checking account. Those "FREE" offers are not quite free. You are actually paying more money than you would if you actually went out and bought the damn item. Well ladies and gentlemen. I found an actual website where you can earn free items without taking any survey's or completing any offers. CLICK HERE This is a real, legit, honest website where you can get really cool things like gaming consoles, televisions and more. Try it out. It won't cost you a dime.

So...what are your thoughts on the new spiderman that's coming out?

I have a thought about the new movie. As we all know from past experiences, having a new person play the main character in a sequal or trilogy decreases it's success. Although, it did work out for the Hulk movies but I guess we just gotta wait and see what the deal will be with the new spiderman. I am a big spiderman fan and I do hope this is a hit. I do think that they could have picked a better catwoman other than Ann Hathaway. I mean...what the hell is up with that? I don't know. Let's see what happens.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Jim Carrey

MoviesBlog.mtv.com: Jim Carrey will be one of the show’s many celebrity presenters, but we found out he has a bit of a surprise in store. While chatting with the comedian at the “Mr. Popper’s Penguins” junket, Carrey told us that he has yet another crazy Movie Awards moment up his sleeve.
“Wait until you see it,” he teased with a smile. “It’s going to be amazing.”
He wouldn’t tell us everything, but Carrey did say that it was going to be something we’ve never seen before.
“I’m wearing a suit that I’ve had made,” he told us. “It’s the latest in nanotechnology, so I’m able to project whatever I want on it. I’m going to be revealing that at the MTV [Movie] Awards,” he teased. “This is something I’ve created myself; I’m kind of Bruce Wayne in that kinda way. I have a lot of interesting and very cutting-edge technology that I work with, and I want to unveil it at the Awards.”
With the 2011 MTV Movie Awards just hours away, let’s take a look back at the best and worst from last year’s red carpet